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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  Vamp Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:08 am

It has been brought to my attention that a player with an org toon, Atomicfatty, or Darktankin on guest channel, used his alt to attack and take the org tower site and kill other org members. This is not acceptable for any reason at all, and I believe something should be done about it - preferably kicking said character from the org and guest chat. I know that Morten will have to deal with this, but I would like to know others feelings on the matter.

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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  iostalin Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:48 am

Hmm, i know nothing about this.... well - sinse Onkel know, i wait his comment then. Can be mistake or can be fair PvP there... I dont mind to duel someone , if this someone want to duel with me...
Especially with you in our secret PvP area, darlin... Very Happy <3

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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  Ankolsen Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:56 am

It was fair pvp - If you attack towersites they get defended - and death is a risk you have to accept, it's not mandatory to participate and easy to avoid - dont go !!

I will - actually - make a thread about it since it seems people dont understand the nature of pvp'rs like dark - or towerbatles... And the info about this - totaly different aspect of game is lacking in both manual and the fan-site info like AO-Universe :/

In this case WE attacked an omni-tek site - and eventually took it - when that happens theres a global message to the entire server and omni-tek leader chat - and were free game for all omni-tek defenders.

No big deal - boils down to - if you dont want to be killed in an attack or deffence - do'nt go !!

We do not own these sites - we took/stole them from someone else - and unless we defend them - someone will steal them back...

Tower-wars are a sort of role-play - just not in the normal toon based way - but Faction-roleplay - and it's no secret that most of our members have factioned toons - If we engage in war - we might meet them on the battlefield - I have no problem with that Very Happy

But as said - I will write a long and detailed thread about it - after new year - and a happy new year btw Smile

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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  osaa Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:00 am

I was there when one of AtomicFatty's toons killed my org mates. I know it's a game but I was shocked. It's just weird and unpleasant to see a an orgmate's alt kill your friends.
He apologized and then killed everyone.

As Ank says, it's a game. we don't have to be involved in tower wars even tho we have some towers. I think that is a good outlook, otherwise we get all riled up like me and I really don't want to be riled up anymore.


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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  Ankolsen Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:29 pm

Yes Osaa - but blame me for not explaining what we got into when deciding on doing Towers - dont blame Dark who is actually a nice and very helpfull fellow, and has defended our towers singlehanded towards Clan attacks - execept when it come's to Omni-Tek Towers... - where he's a member or the Omni-Tek war counsil - It's my fault if anyones Smile

We could have choosen not to get involved - but smuglin' Notum has some nice benefits... It's just - they mean war...

And I clearly underestimated the drama they might cause - blame me
Very Happy

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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  Ota Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:46 am

osaa wrote:I was there when one of AtomicFatty's toons killed my org mates. I know it's a game but I was shocked. It's just weird and unpleasant to see a an orgmate's alt kill your friends.
He apologized and then killed everyone.

Dark would not do something to mess up the gameplay of NA'ers unless provoked. He knows that the majority of us are not P'vP'ers and some even anti-PvP'ers. You say that it was your org mate that got killed...So either Dark didn't know that your mate is also in NA on an alt or they got too cocky in the towersite. And if you also got killed by him I'm guessing it's because you interefered. Most of the time PvP areas are easy to stay out of so if you find yourself there anyway and get killed, try to accept that you're in another part of the game than the normal PvM. If there are some issues to adress with Dark, I'm sure he's willing to talk it out but you still have to remember that he's hardcore PvP - it's what he plays the game for - and he can seem thickheaded to discuss with on this matter, especially when it comes down to ganking clans. The best way to avoid stuff like this in the future, is not kicking him form the org (that will just make matters worse if he spots you later on) but to get accuanted with him so he gets a chance to learn your non-NA alts. For instance he knows mine since I only have 2-3 clan alts and he doesn't touch me.

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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  osaa Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:04 pm

No Ota, I was on Enfosaa. Ank and Salty and I think Flip were on their tower toons and we were at our old tower site that had been taken by omni.. I just went to see what the process was. I was too high to attack Dark and he couldn't attack me. He did know who we were.

But as I said above I am done with this. I understand the process better. It's all voluntary and it's all fun. It would have been nice if Dark could have found someone else who didn't have an alt in neps to come fight for the tower but that doesn't really matter either.

I call a truce with Dark and I am fine with tower wars.


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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  osaa Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:06 pm

Oh, I have no non-Nep alts. All my alts are neutral and in Neps.


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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  Ankolsen Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:14 am

I think this is closed - and Ota - it was a follow up attack after Omni-Teks blue day - were they took all towersites on Rimor - trying to offer us Towersites for letting last fall - Ours did - but we decided with my other org Harmony to make a last stand - actually defending the last not Omni-tek towersite on Rimor - and told them officially they could kiss our Neutral ass

And we took back our sites as first Neutrals on Rimor - without asking as we did'nt give a damn - old and long forgotten treaties with Omni-Tek are hereby cancelled - they asked for war - lets give it to them !!

Was fun - and forced them to spend an extra hour on the effort Smile

Now lets hug and love - and forget how hard it can be - to get people of all religions and politics to gang up over all timemezones,- unless you like me expect to die alone - as it's mainly my problem cherry

Life ai'nt fair - nor is war - and people will be left weeping - sad but true... Sad

I trie to make it into a pink horse called love - and Heaven is ensured - but I sadly fail.... Laughing

Wont stop me trying Smile

I love you all jocolor

Or as H.P.Lovecraftt would tell ya...

Nemesis :

Through the ghoul-guarded gateways of slumber,
Past the wan-mooned abysses of night,
I have lived o'er my lives without number,
I have sounded all things with my sight;
And I struggle and shriek ere the daybreak, being driven to madness with fright.

I have whirled with the earth at the dawning,
When the sky was a vaporous flame;
I have seen the dark universe yawning
Where the black planets roll without aim,
Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.

I had drifted o'er seas without ending,
Under sinister grey-clouded skies,
That the many-forked lightning is rending,
That resound with hysterical cries;
With the moans of invisible daemons, that out of the green waters rise.

I have plunged like a deer through the arches
Of the hoary primordial grove,
Where the oaks feel the presence that marches,
And stalks on where no spirit dares rove,
And I flee from a thing that surrounds me, and leers through dead branches above.

I have stumbled by cave-ridden mountains
That rise barren and bleak from the plain,
I have drunk of the fog-foetid fountains
That ooze down to the marsh and the main;
And in hot cursed tarns I have seen things, I care not to gaze on again.

I have scanned the vast ivy-clad palace,
I have trod its untenanted hall,
Where the moon rising up from the valleys
Shows the tapestried things on the wall;
Strange figures discordantly woven, that I cannot endure to recall.

I have peered from the casements in wonder
At the mouldering meadows around,
At the many-roofed village laid under
The curse of a grave-girdled ground;
And from rows of white urn-carven marble, I listen intently for sound.

I have haunted the tombs of the ages,
I have flown on the pinions of fear,
Where the smoke-belching Erebus rages;
Where the jokulls loom snow-clad and drear:
And in realms where the sun of the desert consumes what it never can cheer.

I was old when the pharaohs first mounted
The jewel-decked throne by the Nile;
I was old in those epochs uncounted
When I, and I only, was vile;
And Man, yet untainted and happy, dwelt in bliss on the far Arctic isle.

Oh, great was the sin of my spirit,
And great is the reach of its doom;
Not the pity of Heaven can cheer it,
Nor can respite be found in the tomb:
Down the infinite aeons come beating the wings of unmerciful gloom.

Through the ghoul-guarded gateways of slumber,
Past the wan-mooned abysses of night,
I have lived o'er my lives without number,
I have sounded all things with my sight;
And I struggle and shriek ere the daybreak, being driven to madness with fright.


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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

Post  Bloodrising Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:10 pm

Ankolsen wrote:I think this is closed - and Ota - it was a follow up attack after Omni-Teks blue day - were they took all towersites on Rimor - trying to offer us Towersites for letting last fall - Ours did - but we decided with my other org Harmony to make a last stand - actually defending the last not Omni-tek towersite on Rimor - and told them officially they could kiss our Neutral ass

And we took back our sites as first Neutrals on Rimor - without asking as we did'nt give a damn - old and long forgotten treaties with Omni-Tek are hereby cancelled - they asked for war - lets give it to them !!

Was fun - and forced them to spend an extra hour on the effort Smile

Well Put Mort. Smile Well Put.

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Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers?? Empty Re: Org member attacking towers and other orgmembers??

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